I know it has been a while but let's start at the beginning!

Well I do love the outdoors! I can remember going camping for the first time in Colorado at the age of four. I have a pretty good memory. A memory so good that I remember standing on the couch when I was three and watching the trains across the street going by. That memory may be a fading memory but it is still there. The camping trip in Colorado is a little more vivid. I remember there were a few relatives from my dad's side of the family besides my grandmother and grandfather (dad's parents). Of course my mom and dad were there as well as my younger brother. Grandpa had a truck camper and because there were so many people I had to sleep on the floor of the truck camper. I don't remember where anyone else in my family slept; I just remember a few tents at the campsite. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. The road coming into the campground was elevated above our campsite and turned so as to make level with and wrap around our campsite. The trees, which were plentiful, shaded our campsite and provided a cool atmosphere. Pine needles blanketed the ground. Nearby the chipmunks played and a little further beyond the road was a clear river full of pebbles and stones as far as a four year old could see. I don't remember how long we were there but I think that camping trip is what caused the spark for the love of camping.  

Our Colorado camping trip was fifty-one years ago and last year I got the idea of going back to that campground. I did a bit of research and figured out where the campground is. I didn't get to go, but I haven't quite given up on the idea. After I retire from teaching, I plan to go rving full time.  That Colorado campground is on the long list of places I want to visit. In the meantime, I am going to focus on my teaching job and pushing myself to establish this store and my YouTube channel oldmommaoutdoors7787.  

Thank you for reading and God Bless.

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